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News 2. New Logo!
Thank you to Valspire Family for the sweet new logo! I think it really fits the channel considering that the fist is holding a test tube, much like a professor would use. Please remember to go checkout Valspire Family on youtube to see their awesome and funny content. Maybe even tell them that you appreciate the support for the small channel that you all know and love? Here's a link to Valspire Family on youtube:
News 1. I'm with WTFast now!

Hey guys just a little update here. I am an affiliate with now. What is WTFast? WTFast is a private gaming network for gamers that allows you to reduce your lag, decrease your number of game disconnections, and increase your connection speed. Go checkout so you can get a better connection today!


News 3. Livestream 4/10/15
The livestream was a success! We got a higher-than-average number of viewers, which is great news because that means the channel is growing. Just make sure to follow me on twitch to know when my livestreams are because I may do some unscheduled ones!

Technicality Vlogs!

Hey guys it's The Professor again. My friend recently made a youtube channel called Technicality Vlogs. Be sure to go checkout his channel and his videos that I was in. We did a drawing challenge and I got hit with eggs! Here's the link:

Livestream 6/5/15

Sorry about this stream guys but I had to end it early. I had some personal stuff going on that I urgently had to deal with. Hopefully next stream will be better.


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